Longford’s Operation Transformation Walk
Longford’s Operation Transformation Walk
Longford Sports Partnership are pleased to announce that we will be holding the Longford Walks on Saturday 18th January at 11am. This will be in line with the Nationwide Operation Transformation Walk. So far there will be two walks in Longford. With one walk meeting at Market Square, Longford Town, lead off by Brendan Doyle. The other walk will be held in Edgeworthstown leaving from the Sports Hub and Laura Doyle is the contact there. If you or your organisation is interested in hosting a walk, let us know and we can help.
Registration will be from 10.45 am and everyone is welcome. The routes will be 5km and hopefully the weather will be dry.
The Operation Transformation Series on RTE1 is now in its 13th year and it has been a fantastic success, widely regarded as the best health and fitness show in Ireland. The show is not only about the 5 lucky Leaders selected each year, but for the thousands of people who follow their progress over the 8 weeks and beyond and the various communities who get involved in the process highlighting positive lifestyle changes to fitness and health amongst their community. So let’s show the rest of the country just how active we are here in Longford.
For more information contact sports@longfordcoco.ie or call 0433343493