National Development Officers

Longford National Governing Body of Sport Development Officers

In July 2020, Longford's National Governing Body of Sport Development Officers Rugby - Dylan Quinn , FAI Graham Kane and GAA- Ciarán Mac Eochaidh share their skills and tips on activities that can be done at home. Each of the NGB officers set challenges that could be done at home.  These activities are suitable for all and especially for young children.

 #BeActive #ActiveLongford 

If you wish to follow up to find out more information to for a club or sport to try out in Longford , contact the Longford LSP staff or Development t officers for further information click on :  contact details


Dylan Quinn- 

Dylan is the Leinster Rugby CCRO and Longford Rugby Club Community Officer .

For these Drills you will need a Rugby ball . 

Information Video 
In this video Dylan demonstrates the Clap game 

Grip mobility

This is a short and simple little exercise that anyone can try. We are going to be working on our grip mobility today, if the ball is too big to grab, you can simply replace it with any other object in your house, for example, a roll of toilet paper, tin of beans etc... This is to work on strengthening the power of grip in your hands. 💪

 Grip mobility/Speed/hand eye coordination

In today's games, we are going to be focusing on our hand eye coordination and speed with a little bit of grip mobility.

Game #1 - Hot potato

Game #2 - Around the world

Again, this can be done individually, or with someone. We will work in 10 second rounds, in each game, try and get as many reputations as you can, within the 10 second period. If you're playing on your own, try and beat your score on the next round, if you're playing with someone, they have to try and beat your score. We will do 3 rounds of 10 seconds, and don't forget to keep score! 😃💪👌

Speed 😃

You will need a rugby ball and throw it slightly in front of you and catch the ball  . You can then cross your hands to catch the ball .

Dylan finishes with some advice and contacts if you are interested in trying rugby out in the Longford area.

 Graham Kane 

Graham is the Longford FAI development Officer 


Information Video

"Dribble practice" 

You will need a ball , some cones and a safe area to practice.

" Dribble in a 1m x 1m Square "

you will need a ball , some cones ( or plastic bottles) and a safe area to practice.

"Dribble with shot at goal "

You will need a ball , some cones ( or plastic bottles) and a safe area to practice.

"Passing and Receiving to score a goal "

You will need a ball , some cones ( or plastic bottles) and a safe area to practice.

"Passing Practice "

You will need a ball , some cones and a wall to kick the ball off . Please ensure to be in a safe area to practice this.

For more videos on Football skills for children with disabilities please click on Video link

 Ciarán Mac Eochaidh

 Ciarán is the GAA- Longford Game Promotions Officer

Download the Booklet : LSP-Activity-Week---Explainers.pdf (size 159.6 KB)

Information Video

Wash Basket Challenge

 Equipment Needed:

· Numerous Balls (Rolled-up Socks / Teddy Bears / Toilet Rolls)

· A washing basket (empty bin / large pot)

 How to Play:

·Set up your washing basket in an area of the floor

·Take a few steps back and mark out your throwing area

·Try to throw your balls/teddy bears from the throwing area into the wash basket

·1 point for each basket scored

·try to beat your score each time

 Adaptations (making it easier)

· Move the basket nearer to the throwing area

·Throw with two hands from underneath the ball


Progressions (making it more challenging)

·Move the basket further away

·Use your weaker hand

·Use a smaller basket


Solo / Knee Challenge

 Equipment Needed:

· 1 Ball (Toilet Roll / Balloon)

· Watch (Timer / Someone else to count)

 How to Play:

·Drop your ball on to your knee / foot and catch it again using both legs

· Practice this

·Now set your timer to 30 seconds and see how many you can do in that timeframe

·Try to beat your score each time


Adaptations (making it easier)

·Use your knees instead of your foot

·Use a balloon

 Progressions (making it more challenging)

·Use your foot only

·Use a smaller ball

·Move around while doing it


Tea Bag Hurling 

Equipment Needed:

·Hurley (racket / frying pan / your arm)

·Tea Bag (Bean bag / tennis ball / socks)


How to Play:

·Place tea bag on hurley

·Raise hurley upwards to send tea bag in the air

·Catch the tea bag on the hurley again (use your arm if you don’t have anything else)

·Now set your timer to 30 seconds and see how many you can do in that timeframe

·Try to beat your score each time and remember to use both hands


Adaptations (making it easier)

·Use a large saucepan to make it easier to catch it again

 Progressions (making it more challenging)

· Use a small ball instead of the tea bag

· Use your weaker hand

· Flip the hurley each time the bag/ball is in the air

Teddy Bear Clap Challenge

 Equipment Needed:

·Teddy Bear (ball / cushion / rolled up socks)

 How to Play:

·Throw your bear in the air, clap, and then catch it before it hits the floor

·Next you must clap twice before catching

·Next you must clap three times before catching

·See how many claps you can do before catching

·Try to beat your score each time


Adaptations (making it easier)

·Use a balloon

·Instead of clapping, just say potato before catching it


Progressions (making it more challenging)

· Use a small ball

· Use your weaker hand to throw and catch in between claps

· Clap between your legs before catching


Create your own Obstacle Course

 Equipment Needed:

·Whatever you can find at home

– Balls, Teddy Bears, Saucepans, Jumpers, Cushions, hula hoops

 How to Play:

·Create your own obstacle course using the video as an example

·Try to include jumping, hopping, running and balancing

·Time yourself when you have it all set up

·Try to beat your time to complete it each time


Adaptations (making it easier)

·Take out jumps

·Walk through it first


Progressions (making it more challenging)

·Do it all by hopping on one leg

·Try it backwards

· Add more elements to make it harder